The charity enables more young people to play cricket and other sports in Yorkshire.
Increasingly, we have been focused on programmes that provide vital equipment, coaching and facilities which enable more girls and boys to experience the joy of cricket and to lead healthier lives.
Here is a link to our recent annual review which can be downloaded here.
We work through partnerships and finance the programmes which benefit children.
We have announced an extension for “Enjoy Cricket” and “Pop-Up Cricket”, programmes run by The Yorkshire Cricket Foundation which will engage as many youngsters as possible in cricketing activity and give access to communities where there are limited opportunities available. From this initial engagement, children will be signposted to more established cricket clubs who will encourage a life-long love of cricket.
In the last 5 years the CYT has also been pleased to support individual clubs, schools and cricket development groups with a variety of projects, including contributions to:
• Provide improved practice facilities
• Provide coaching equipment
• Set up/expand out of season coaching programmes
The CYT manages a fund originally set up as the Sir Leonard Hutton Foundation but is pleased to receive donations from individuals or charitable fundraising events. Legacies and bequests are also very welcome in memory of Yorkshire cricket lovers.
If you are a club, school or association that has a project that will help CYT achieve its aims and give the opportunity to enjoy cricket to young people in your area, we would be pleased to hear from you. Our Grant Application form can be downloaded here
To make a donation or apply for a grant, please contact our Treasurer, Peter Whiteley by email to [email protected]
The current trustees are:
Phillip Hodson (Chair)
Jane Hildreth
Richard Hutton
Samir Pathak
John Pike
John Skinner
Michael Stones
Clare Taylor MBE
Peter Whiteley (treasurer)
After many years valuable service to the charity, Julian Vallance has recently retired as secretary.
The Trust is actively seeking new trustees who have a passion for meeting our aims and objectives.
The charity is registered as the Yorkshire County Cricket Club Charitable Youth Trust CIO with the Charity Commission with registration number 1181828.
The charity’s policies can be viewed here.
Yorkshire County Cricket Club Players’ Association has gone from strength to strength since its formation in 2005 and has been able to use funds generated from its activities to provide financial backing in a variety of ways to help make sure that cricket continues to flourish throughout the White Rose County.
It is rather surprising that although Yorkshire CCC was formed in 1863 and went on to become the best known cricket club in the world, it lagged behind other first class counties for many years in not having its own players’ organisation.
Left-hand opening batsman Bryan Stott and off-spinner Geoff Cope, two of Yorkshire’s former distinguished players, were determined that this unsatisfactory state of affairs should not continue and in the early part of 2005 they worked hard at sounding out just how much interest there was in forming a Players’ Association.
The response was so enthusiastic that the pair arranged for a meeting at Headingley in the April of mainly former players to discuss the idea further and as a result the Players’ Association was formed with the first annual general meeting being held the following year.
That initial meeting in 2005 was attended by former Yorkshire and England players in Bob Appleyard, Brian Close, Geoff Cope, John Hampshire, Richard Hutton, Martyn Moxon and Ken Taylor. Other former county players present were Brian Bainbridge, Paul Booth, Mike Bore, David Borrill, Bernard Brooke, Peter Broughton, Dickie Bird, Peter Chadwick, Tony Clarkson, Howard Cooper, Mike Cowan, Andrew Dalton, Stuart Fletcher, Keith Gillhouley, Phil Hart, Neil Hartley, Philip Hodgson, Bill Holdsworth, Peter Ingham, Peter Kippax, Greg Lambert, David Pickles, Bob Platt, Iain Priestley, Alan Ramage, Arthur Robinson, Dennis Schofield, Chris Shaw, Rodney Smith and Chris Wood.
Peter Whiteley (Chair)
Geoff Cope (Secretary)
Jim Love
Howard Cooper
David Ryder (Treasurer)
David Warner (Press relations)
The Duchess of Kent
Shaun Callaghan (LIFE MEMBER)
Vic Duncombe (LIFE MEMBER)
Jason Gillespie (LIFE MEMBER)
Veronica Denby (LIFE MEMBER)
To support the Club and players;
To raise funds to support this aim;
To meet socially with other members;
To promote links with other groups and
To preserve the history and traditions of this great Club
Charlotte Evers (Chair)
Pauline Beesley (Secretary)
Jim Henderson (Treasurer)
Carol Blackburn
Paul Rockett
Lesley Ray
Howard Ray
Ben Sanders
Pauline Beesley, 2 Stairfoot View, Adel, Leeds LS16 8JS or email: [email protected]
2025 Events
Sunday March 16th 2.30pm, Headingley Parish Hall : Jonathan Doidge from Radio Leeds – a look forward to the new season
Dates for your diary
Friday March 21st, Pre-season lunch, Headingley Golf Club
Thursday July 24th, supper at Taylor’s cafe, Scarborough – advance booking will be essential (day 3 Yorkshire v Surrey)
Thursday July 31st, quiz night at The Railway Men’s Club, Scarborough – advance booking will be essential, (day 3 Yorkshire v Sussex)
Friday October 10th, Post-season lunch, Headingley Golf Club
Friday December 5th, Christmas lunch, Headingley Golf Club
Autumn Speaker meetings, 2.30 at Headingley Parish Hall
Sunday October 19th
Sunday November 16th
Sunday December 7th (AGM)
Book launch
Thanks to all who attended the launch of Stephen Chalke’s new book about Brian Close. Stephen talked brilliantly about the formation of the book, as did Brian’s daughter, and teammate Geoff Cope. The book is available online and in all good retailers.

Finlay Bean receives the 2023 Player of the Year award

Matthew Revis receives the 2023 Performance of the Year award
Harry Brook – YCCSA Player of the Year 2022
YCCSA cheque for £2000 for the players to use towards new “off duty” kit and a new coffee machine for their lounge
Would members please note that subscriptions (£10) for 2024 were due on 1st January.
Since formation in 1981 we have donated around £100,000 through a variety of projects, awards and donations, such as
- Providing equipment – interactive white screen for coaches and players to use to develop skills/funding for cricket balls for Academy games (£750 in 2023)/funding for helmets for some of the youngest players
- Supporting players training abroad during the winter (£2000 in 2023)
- Improving facilities – buying the TVs for the updated Long Room/funding the framing of the 2014 and 2015 Championship pennants on display in the Museum
- Encouraging and recognising players’ achievements and development – funding young players players on winter coaching abroad/cash awards annually to two young players/annual and one-off Awards to celebrate players’ achievements eg Player of the Year, Young Player of the Year and Emerging Player of the Year.
(In past years these have included, initially as our “Young Player of the Year” and later as “Player of the Year”, current internationals Harry Brook, Joe Root and Jonny Bairstow). In 2022 Player of the Year was Harry Brook and Young Player was Ben Cliff.
Where does the money come from ?
- Sales at the Kabin are one source. The Kabin, located behind the main scoreboard, opens before play and in the intervals selling a range of Yorkshire-themed souvenir items, many at “pocket money” prices. Passers-by are always welcome for a chat and to buy. It is also the place to join the Association on match days.
- The social side of the Association is another source of income, combining social events with fundraising.
What do we offer our members ?
Our fund raising social events include:
- During the autumn and winter – 5 Sunday afternoon cricket-themed meetings at Headingley with guest speakers. Recent meetings have featured Lord Kamlesh Patel, Jonathan Doidge from Radio Leeds, Guy Williams from the Cricket Paper and Sam Hinchliffe, Director of Operations at Headingley, Rt Revd Chris Edmondson, the Club Chaplain and Tom Craddock with four Academy players.
- Three lunches, pre- and post-season and Christmas, at Headingley Golf Club
- At Scarborough during the two championship games – a quiz and pea & pie supper and an evening meal at a local venue with choice of menu.
- Members newsletter in May and September.
Join for £10 a year: on match days at the Kabin, behind the main scoreboard or contact Carol Blackburn (0113 237 1885)
www.yccsupporters.org will take you to the Club website where you will find the YCCSA page with up to date details of events
All are welcome to join this friendly, sociable group, who love cricket and want to support the greatest cricket club in the world.
The YCCSA is now active on social media and supporters can follow us on both Facebook and X:
X: https://twitter.com/YCCSA1981
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556164627809
Founded in 1951, the Society host regular Speaker Events on Mondays between the end of September and the end of March as we seek to sustain and enhance the passion for cricket by evenings of vigorous, informed chat on cold, dark winter days.
We are very pleased to announce that our new home for the 2024/25 season is Shaw Lane Sports Club in Barnsley, a very well known venue to all cricket lovers, and home to Barnsley Woolley Miners Cricket Club.
For the 2024/25 season, we are scheduled to have 6 live speaker events and 3 Zoom events, all of which are completely free to attend for a one off annual membership of just £20 per person. In addition to our Speaker Events we also have an annual Christmas Luncheon in December (an additional charge applies for this event only).
Full details are on our brand new website Home | Wombwell Cricket Lovers Society
Our Speakers include present and former First-Class players and officials, coaches, umpires, commentators & well known cricket authors, as well as members of the Yorkshire County Cricket Club Board. Sometimes the format of the meeting has a set speech followed by Q&A, sometimes the events are dominated by Q&A. Sometimes we have one speaker, sometimes a panel. Whatever the format, its always a thoroughly sociable & informative event!
But above all our main objective is to foster youth coaching.
Winter coaching classes began in 1953 with the aim of encouraging local talent in and around South Yorkshire, and through the years a number of county and international players have emerged. Arnie Sidebottom was the first to attain First-Class honours, followed by Graham Stevenson, Tim Boon, Martyn Moxon, Darren Gough and Joe Root.
Our current junior courses run throughout January & February each year, and are followed by our Annual Junior Awards Evening, with a number of coaching awards presented to participants.
For more details of the coaching programme and our speaker events, please visit our website or contact Andy Jones, our membership secretary directly via email at [email protected]
The Northern Cricket Society has been around since 1948 and is still going strong, continuing to provide members with Winter Speaker Evenings (five in all from October to April – all in the Long Room at Headingley on the first Tuesday of the month, commencing at 7.45pm, but two by Zoom- see list below), additional speakers at both a Winter Luncheon and a Spring Evening Dinner whilst also organising a team for the well-known annual Boxing Day match (at North Leeds CC) and producing an annual booklet. We are an active group!
The Winter Speaker Evenings are, of course, at the very heart of the society and they provide members with the opportunity to see and hear a variety of cricket figures and also ask them questions.
Cricket societies allow enthusiasts the chance to meet up with fellow-minded people and maintain their interest in the summer sport throughout the long winter months. Please come and join the Northern Cricket Society!
*An annual membership costs £20. This can be made by Bank Transfer. The bank details required are account name Northern Cricket Society, Sort Code 40 46 21 Account No 81060090. Please use your name as the payment reference. Or a cheque made payable to ‘The Northern Cricket Society’ can be sent to Brian Sanderson, 38 Broomfield Crescent, Leeds, LS6 3DD.
Andrew D Mawson
Tel. 01535 671582. Email: [email protected]
Membership Secretary:
Michael Pulford [email protected]
Speaker Secretary:
Tony Ogden,
Tel 07974 793966. Email: [email protected]
Brian Sanderson. Tel. 0113-2742662. Email: [email protected]
Booklet Editor: Michael Pulford. Email: [email protected]
James M Greenfield, Tony Bowry and Guy Williams.
Website and Social Media Coordinator
Jon Goodrick
[email protected]
We now have a website and a Facebook page.
4 March – Oliver Hannon Dalby
25 March – Sand Moor Golf Club, SPRING LUNCHEON (cost not included in membership) – Matthew Maynard.
1 April – Jeremy Lonsdale, Author, The Many Cricketing Lives of Bill Bowes.
Please send your email address to [email protected] to receive the invitations to the Zoom meetings.
What We Do
Established in 1980, The Southern Group welcomes all who are interested in the past, present and future of Yorkshire cricket. Our main functions are to provide opportunities for members to engage with each other and the club, and to support the club in practical ways. In particular through:
- A variety of events at Yorkshire matches – ranging from organised lunches to informal pub meets. Likely venues for 2025 include The Oval, York, Canterbury and Hove.
- Our Spring event , this year scheduled for Thursday 15th May 2025 at the Foundry (just opposite The Oval) with Colin Graves.
- Our Annual Lunch (this year scheduled for Friday October 17th at the Civil Service Club). Recent speakers have included Adam Lyth, Geoff Cope and Martyn Moxon and Yorkshire President, Jane Powell.
- Our Annual General Meeting which in 2025 will take place virtually on Monday June 9th.
- Supporting the future of Yorkshire Cricket, through donations to the youth programme of the Yorkshire Cricket Foundation
- Recognising potential, through the annual Young Player of the Year Award, voted for by our members
- Our quarterly hard copy newsletter – 16-24 pages packed with news and reports.
Who We Are
We’re very flexible about what constitutes the ‘South!’. While most of our members live somewhere below Worksop on the map, we also have several based in Yorkshire itself! Our membership is past the century mark, and we’re delighted to have Richard Hutton as our long standing Patron.
Moving down the batting order, our 2024-25 committee is as follows:
Chair John Kirkland [email protected]
Secretary & Events June Hirst
Treasurer Mike Brown
Newsletter Ned Holt [email protected]
Membership Admin David Wood
Committee Members Andrew Bosi, Chris Marshall, David Hirst, Julia Williams, Jane Ellison, Colin Grazin.
How to Get Involved
All are welcome! The annual subscription is a very modest £15. There is no requirement to be a member of the YCCC (although of course we encourage this!).
You can join the group by clicking here.
You can renew an existing membership by clicking here.
Alternatively, please write to us at Yorkshire CCC Southern Group, PO Box 6024, Leighton Buzzard LU7 2ZS or email current Chair, John Kirkland, at the address above.
Yorkshire & Proud are Yorkshire’s official LGBT+ supporters’ group.
This is a hub for fans and members of the LGBT+ community and LGBTQ+ allies, to ensure they feel welcome within the Yorkshire family. This has worked incredibly well at other clubs like Surrey, who have continued to grow the group year on year and now dedicate a T20 match to being a ‘Pride Match’.
Yorkshire has a huge LGBT+ presence and we believe setting up this group within our great club will ensure we are striving to become more inclusive for all communities and that everyone in Cricket is welcome to our ground.
To join Yorkshire Cricket’s LGBT+ Supporters Group contact:
[email protected] and [email protected]
The LGBT+ Supporters Group are supported by Out 4 Cricket, a Community Interest Company who work with and support the LGBT+ community and stakeholders in cricket to create inclusive environments that increase community participation through education, advocacy, research, promotion and resources.
More information about Out 4 Cricket can be found on their website here.
Yorkshire Cricket are supporting Leeds Kites CC – the first LGBT+ cricket team in Leeds following on from the set-up of Graces Cricket Club, founded in 1996, the only LGBTQ+ cricket in the world until the Birmingham Unicorns were established in 2021.
If you are interested in joining Leeds Kites CC please contact:
[email protected] &/or @LeedsInc_CC on twitter
The Nujum Sports’ Muslim Athlete Charter – is a commitment to recognise the needs of Muslim cricketers, fans and staff within the game and is part of our wider focus on delivering equity and diversity at all levels of the sport.
There are 10 points contained within the charter, such as providing space for non-consumption of alcohol, including during celebrations, the provision of appropriate places to pray, halal food, and accommodating staff and players who are fasting during Ramadan.
Yorkshire Cricket joins more than 75 sports clubs and organisations who have signed the Nujum Sports’ charter since it was first enacted in June 2021, including the RFL, the Premier League, and the Football Association of Wales.
Through signing the charter the Club, who have been working with Nujum Sports for over a year, are now fully accredited and will continue to work with the organisation to help Yorkshire Cricket strengthen its voice and zero tolerance approach to any form of discrimination.
Yorkshire and Humber Anti-Racism in Sport Group is made up of people from:
- Active Humber
- Bradford Council
- North Yorkshire Sport
- Rotherham United Community Sports Trust
- Sheffield City Council
- Street Games
- Yorkshire County Cricket Club
- Yorkshire Sport Foundation
Who together are taking steps together to tackle racism in grassroots sport.
The group has created a pledge to tackle racism in grassroots sport, which has already been signed by 90 organisations in the region. All have committed to have their own plan to make sport fair and open to all.
On Wednesday, 7 June 2023, people from across the region came together to launch the pledge. The event, held by the Yorkshire and Humber Anti-Racism in Sport Group saw the launch of the Commitment to tackling Racism and racial inequality in community sport.
Organisations will commit to actively tackle attitudes and racial inequalities that prevent or discourage people from leading active lives and enjoying the benefits of sport and physical activity.
Each organisation will have its own plan to:
- Be open and responsible organisations that recognise the changes needed to become anti-racist organisations.
- Lead by example as anti-racist allies.
- Use and share knowledge to create change locally.
- Enable communities to take part without fear of discrimination.
- Develop the workforce to become diverse and representative of the communities they are working in.
- Deliver inclusively so that everyone has the opportunity to be active.
Find out more and sign the pledge here.
Founded in 1960, Sheffield Cricket Lovers is a place where cricket loving people come to listen to speakers from sport, journalism, broadcasting, authors. A friendly place where all people are welcome and can enjoy a pint (or coffee) and chat whilst selecting the England teams or putting the world to rights.
For more information www.sheffieldcricketlovers.org.uk or contact Jon Roddis on 07857 691466 – email [email protected]
Founded in 1965, East Riding Cricket Society offers a warm and friendly welcome to all cricket lovers. No dress code, no formalities, just a great evening talking cricket.
Dean Headley (Monday 30 October); Jeremy Lonsdale (Thursday 30 November); John Barclay ( Thursday 14 December); Kevin Sharp ( Thursday 18 January); Dr Jane Powell, YCCC President (Monday 12 February); Pat Murphy (Monday 4 March)
Barry Richards, Vic Marks, James Carr, Graham Onions, Chris O’Brien, Paul Farbrace, Kevin Howells
We meet monthly on a Monday or Thursday from October to March at Beverley Town CC, Norwood Park, Beverley HU17 9HW – with level access, free on site parking and good public transport links. Bar open from 7pm, meetings start at 7.45pm.
Membership costs just £15 a year. You can pay at any meeting, by bank transfer or by standing order (bank details shared on request). Or pay £5 a meeting – refunded if you join that same winter.
or email [email protected]