Emerald Headingley stages the Third Royal London One-Day International between England and India starting on Tuesday.

Here is all the information you will require to ensure you have a great time at Emerald Headingley.

Match dates:

Tuesday 17th July 2018


Click here for all information on food and drink.

Ground regulations

Ticket Information

Tickets have completely sold out for this fixture.

If play is affected by bad weather, please read our rain check policy.

Ticket office opening hours

9:00am – 30 minutes after the end of play

Ticket collections will be inside the Cricket Centre nets.


Gates will open at 10:30am.


Passouts will be available from 14:30pm, distributed by the gate stewards. Upon re-entering the stadium, you must have both your pass out and match ticket. Please note you may be searched on re-entry.


Supporters may be searched before they are allowed access to the venue. If you or your bag aren’t searched that doesn’t mean the stewards are not doing their job – searchers are just one component of the security measures in place.

Please keep the number of personal belongings you bring to an absolute minimum – any items you bring will slow your entry & may also prevent your entry to the venue.

Flags and musical instruments

It will be permitted to bring flags into the ground if they have the fire safety certificate that comes with it. All musical instruments, unless authorised by Yorkshire County Cricket Club, will NOT be permitted. Please note that any items not permitted into the ground will be confiscated at the gates.

Hours of play:

First innings: 12:30pm-4:00pm
Interval: 4:00-4:45pm
Second innings: 4:45-8:15pm

Beckett’s Park – Park and Ride:

Anyone wishing to drive to Emerald Headingley is advised to park at Leeds City Council’s ‘Park and Ride/Stride’ located at Beckett Park. Bus service is provided and is a five minute ride. Alternatively, it’s a casual 15 minute stroll through Headingley.

The route is clearly signposted. Prices are £10 for a cars. Postcode: LS6 3PW (MAP).

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