The YCCC Whistleblowing Hotline has to date received 197 Complaints.
Every Complainant has been contacted by the Sethi Investigation team.
The frequency of Complaints being received via the Whistleblowing Hotline has increased since the previous Board update. However, of those Complaints received in that period, few have fallen within the Sethi Investigation’s Terms of Reference. This continues a trend that has been evident for much of this calendar year.
In respect of those, few, recently-received Complaints falling (or potentially falling) within the Terms of Reference, investigation meetings have taken place or are imminently due to take place.
Of the Complaints falling within the Terms of Reference which have been actively investigated (save for those few Complainants whose Complaints were received recently, and for whom the Sethi Investigation is in the process of arranging forthcoming interviews) every single Complainant and all relevant witnesses have now attended an investigation meeting with the Sethi Investigation Team.
The Sethi Investigation is presently engaged in drafting final determinations for those remaining active Complaints which have not yet been decided. That work continues. The outcomes of those Complaints will be notified to YCCC once finalised.
The slowdown in the number of new active Complaints has allowed the Sethi Investigation team to begin planning for the next phase of the Investigation, namely the production of a Report for the YCCC Board containing the findings, conclusions and recommendations arising out of our Investigation. This work will (amongst other things) involve the arranging of further interviews with YCCC Staff and Board Members, focused not only on the issues arising from and the lessons learned from individual Complaints, but also on the work that the Club has undertaken since the Sethi Investigation was appointed so as to inform the efficacy of recommendations that will be made.