Colin Graves has outlined his manifesto for the future of YCCC: 

Dear fellow Yorkshire member,

When I stood down as your Chairman in 2015, I never envisaged that I would be addressing you again.

  1. Over those past years my passion for the game and for YCCC is undiminished and that is why my offer to refinance the club is being communicated to you for your support and recommendation at the EGM on the 2nd February.
  2. The club’s financial situation is such that if the deal does not receive the requisite support of members the consequences are far-reaching. This may result in administration or an insolvency event.
  3. The rule changes which have been presented to you are for one simple reason – to allow me to appoint a new board of directors to lead the club into its next phase. They will be people that I believe have the cricketing knowledge and business skills to take the club forward and deliver success to Yorkshire cricket.
  4. We require 66% support from our members for this to happen. If agreed, this will allow us to refinance the club over time, and return Yorkshire Cricket to where it needs to be both on and off the field.
  5. I want to make it clear that there are no discussions or plans to change the mutual status of YCCC. However in the changing and challenging arena of both UK and World sport, nothing can be ruled out in the future. At all times we will ensure that the rights of all YCCC members to watch all professional cricket in Yorkshire will be maintained.
  6. It is my personal pledge to you and to the entire Yorkshire public that, regardless of background, community or ethnicity, all will be welcome in the fully inclusive culture and environment of Yorkshire County Cricket Club. There will be no exceptions.
  7. I have unreservedly apologised for any and all mistakes either I or the club has made over the painful and difficult years of the recent past. Lessons have been learned and will continue to be acted on as we move forward and focus on the future of our great club.
  8. Make no mistake,  this is not going to be easy. It will be a bumpy ride and there is a great deal to do. We can do this together with hard work, transparency, trust and enthusiasm from committed people.

I therefore ask you to give me your support on the ballot paper as I have outlined my manifesto to you to make YCCC great again.

Colin J Graves

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Yorkshire County Cricket club sign outside the East Stand


Notice is given that an EGM of the Club will be held at the East Stand Long Room at Headingley Cricket Ground, St. Michael’s Lane, Leeds LS6 3BU on 28 September 2023 at 09:00 for the purpose of transacting the following business, of which the resolutions set out at points 2-4 below are being proposed as special resolutions and the resolution set out at point 5 as an ordinary resolution.

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