Yorkshire and Lancashire training together! Whatever next?

An eyebrow or two may well be raised at this news, but for Academy head coach Richard Damms the latest innovation has worked wonders.

Damms, alongside Gary Yates and John Windows of Lancashire and Durham respectively, have this winter decided to combine briefly to try and bring the best out of their young up and comers.

“Myself and John from Durham spoke about it during the last game of last season, a second-team game at Scarborough,” explained Damms.

“We’d been to the Super Fours together, which is the equivalent of the under 15s Bunbury Festival but at under 17s level. That has been running since 2013.

“The competition is really high, the best 60 players in the country.

“It also allows the England under 19s scouts to come and watch everybody in the same place.

“It’s North, London and East, South West and Midlands, and the North is made up of Yorkshire, Lancashire, Durham and Cheshire.

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