
Day two started with Surrey declaring at their overnight score of 326-8. However, due to rain, our innings was delayed by 15 minutes.

This however gave Ian Dews the chance to award Eddie Barnes his 2nd XI Cap. Many congratulations to Eddie.

Our innings was opened by 18 year old James Wharton and 17 year old Matthew Revis. They faced a three pronged attack of Dunn, McKerr and Meaker.

Wharton was bowled by Dunn for nine and this brought 20 year old Tom Loten to the crease. Bad light brought the players off at 12.45pm with Yorkshire 39-1.

An early lunch was taken but heavy rain followed by persistent drizzle prevented any further play and 4.20pm brought an abandonment.

John Virr – 2nd XI Scorer

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