Yorkshire Cricket believes passionately in sport as a driving force for good, bringing us together and uniting us. We want to help make the twenty-first century Yorkshire County Cricket Club a place that is truly for everyone, from all backgrounds.

Yorkshire Cricket’s EDI Strategy


Our Ambitions

Our first Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy sets out the overall ambitions of The Yorkshire County Cricket Club, the Yorkshire Cricket Foundation and the Yorkshire Cricket Board (Yorkshire Cricket) to:

1. Be a force for good, building community trust and confidence in Yorkshire Cricket and proactively reducing the risk of discrimination across Yorkshire Cricket; and

2. Increase Yorkshire Cricket’s reach, representation and engagement to maximise our opportunities and our impact

In developing our EDI Strategy, we recognise the important role our EDI Ambitions play in the overall success of Yorkshire Cricket – from the professional game to our pathway and from match days to recreational cricket and cricket in the community.

Our Approach

Our EDI Strategy has been designed with the Yorkshire Cricket vision, mission statement and values at its heart.

Yorkshire Cricket's Vision and Values

We have co-created our EDI Strategy; building on the Club’s previous EDI Action Plan published in early 2022, and extensive internal and external collaboration and engagement via our Employee Voice annual and pulse surveys, fan and member sentiment surveys and community consultation. Our EDI Strategy benefits from knowledge, research and representation data held both internally and externally through the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) (including the Independent Commission for Equity in Cricket (ICEC) Report) and, in particular, published Yorkshire census data from 2021.

Our Principles

Our EDI Strategy is underpinned by four co-created principles that will both empower and guide all employees, players, participants, volunteers and suppliers to identify, design and deliver strategic and operational EDI initiatives in their role. These principles act as a filter for how we collectively and individually approach and prioritise our EDI activities:

1. Listen and empower: We will engage with the communities we serve, meeting them where they are, drawing on their lived experiences and listening to their voices to inform our thinking.

2. Representation matters: We will strive to be representative of the communities we serve, valuing diversity across our employees, members, fans, pathways, volunteers and participants.

3. The Spirit of Cricket: We will be driven by an unwavering commitment to uphold and promote the human rights values as defined by the Equality and Human Rights Commission of Safety, Fairness, Respect, Equity and Dignity.

4. Connecting communities: We will bring people together, using the power of cricket to unite the communities we serve, strengthen our society and change lives.

Our Impact

Under each of our ambitions, we have identified key result areas (KRAs) that we will use to measure the impact of the EDI initiatives. Each KRA will be baselined and progress monitored over the lifecycle of this strategy.

Further, we will manage impact through the effective mitigation of EDI risk at the Club through tracking of residual risk ratings.