Current Opportunities

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A yorkie being helpful at the 2022 test match on the forecourt

Yorkies Welcome Team

Our award-winning Yorkies team help on a variety of match day roles, creating an inclusive and warm welcome to all spectators at Headingley Cricket Ground and other associated outgrounds across the county.

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Entertainment on the outfield during the 2022 Test Match at Headingley.

Student Placements

If you are a 18+ student looking to complete a professional placement as part of your course, let us know what you are interested in and we will work with you to create a placement that guarantees real life experience of what it is like to work in the sector.

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Yorkshire Cricket Foundation

There’s a wide variety of things to get involved with in the Charity arm of the Club. From community cricket to volunteering in our Club museum, sign up to see what you can get involved in.

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