The Whistleblowing Hotline has to date received 106 Complaints (23 further Complaints having been received between April-June 2022).
Every Complainant has been contacted by the Sethi Investigation team.
Of the 47 Complaints falling within the Terms of Reference, 22 complaints are being actively investigated (the remaining 25 having been either resolved, redirected or voluntarily discontinued).
Of the active Complaints falling within the Terms of Reference, all but three Complainants (whose complaints were only recently lodged via the Whistleblowing Hotline) have already attended an investigation meeting with the Sethi Investigation Team. Meetings with the remaining Complainants are in the process of being arranged.
The Investigation meetings that have so far taken place clarified the Complaints and identified the further steps necessary to progress the Investigation, from which the Sethi Investigation Team made a series of requests for further information to YCCC.
Initial responses to those information requests were received from YCCC, following which a forensic IT search of YCCC’s internal IT systems was conducted. The Sethi Investigation Team is now engaging with YCCC to identify relevant documents produced by that search, the results of which will feed into the Sethi Investigation Team’s ongoing work.
YCCC is providing contact details for individuals relevant to the investigation and further interviews are now being arranged.
Anyone wishing to lodge a formal complaint about any form of discrimination that they have suffered as a result of any act or omission of the Club can do so using a dedicated email address: [email protected].