It’s once again been a very busy and successful period for our Wicketz programme across Bradford and Leeds.

Wicketz – Leeds/ Bradford

As usual, weekly sessions have taken place throughout our three key hub locations; Trinity Academy Leeds, Grange Interlink and Karmand Community Centre.

Many of our young participants have been taking part in Ramadan over the past few weeks, but our sessions have continued with sustained engagement.

These sessions have been great, as many of our non-fasting participants have learned a great amount about Ramadan and a culture different from their own.

Highlight of the Month

On April, 5th,  we hosted the first ‘Cricket Charities Festival’ at Bradford Grammar School, with many of our young participants lucky enough to be involved. For this event, our Wicketz programme linked up with the MCC Foundation and Chance to Shine Street to put on an indoor tapeball tournament, giving participants the opportunity to play against their peers from other Yorkshire-based cricket programmes.

We took eight lucky participants from our Leeds and Bradford Hubs, and every one of them had an amazing day. Alongside the exciting cricket, all participants also took part in a workshop delivered by the fantastic and very motivational Bilal Talks. This workshop focused on self-worth, confidence, and key steps to future success.

With participants being 13 – 14 years old, this topic was incredibly relevant, and our young people took valuable learnings away that they will apply in day-to-day life! Given the event was a massive success, this is something we will look to deliver again soon so keep your eyes peeled.

Pictured, a group shot of young people taken during Wicket Wednesdays.

Pictured, young people from our Wicketz programme linked up with the MCC Foundation and Chance to Shine Street to put on an indoor tapeball tournament.

We have more of the same coming up, with weekly sessions continuing across all our hub locations. Towards the end of this month, we will also be taking most of our sessions outside as the summer approaches. Please note, our Tuesday Bradford session will be moving from Grange Interlink to Park Avenue Cricket Ground from the first week in May.

Additionally, on Friday, 5 May, we will be hosting a EID celebration event at Karmand Community Centre, keep a look out for this in the next Wicketz Wednesday.

Session Schedule

. Monday’s 5pm-7pm @ Trinity Academy (LS9 7QL)

. Tuesday’s 5pm-7pm @ Grange Interlink (BD7 1PX), Park Avenue (BD5 0PY)

. Friday’s 6pm-8pm @ Karmand Community Centre (BD3 9EP)

Wicketz – Hull

March was a quieter month for Wicketz Hull as we prefer for the busy spring/summer term and our activity starts to bloom.

Alongside delivering the weekly sessions we aided the regional YCB team at several schools’ tournaments and festivals within the city. Over the recent Easter Holidays, Wicketz delivered at the University of Hull, Sports Centre, under the HAF project run by StreetGames. Cricket was one of three activities the young people of Hull had chance to experience, the other two included Futsal and Netball. It was great to see some of the regular attendees of Wicketz and new faces who we hope will come to the weekly hubs.

Young people take part in Wicketz Wednesday as part of the HAF Easter 23.

Young people take part in a Wicketz session.

Session Schedule

. Monday’s 3:15pm – 4:15pm @ St Richards VC Academy, Hull (HU9 5TE) ages 8 – 11

. Monday’s 3:15pm – 4:15pm @ Archbishop Sentamu Academy (HU9 5YB) ages 11 – 14

. Thursday’s 3:15pm – 4:15pm @ Sirius Academy West, Hull (HU4 7JB) ages 8 – 14

. Wednesday’s 6pm – 7pm @ Kelvin Hall School, Hull (HU5 4QH) ages 8 – 14

Keep an eye out for our monthly Wicketz catch-ups and if you’re interested in getting involved in our Wicketz programme, please contact:

Leeds & Bradford – Matthew Crookes

Email: [email protected]

Hull – Rick Robinson

Email: [email protected]

Find out more about our Wicketz programme here.

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