Yorkshire Cricket is regarded as one of the greatest clubs in the world, and as one of the proudest in existence. Established over 150 years ago, the history, tradition and passion of its Members are the main reasons for this. The pride of the Club’s supporters has always been evident.

To celebrate the Club’s fantastic supporters, we bring you a feature looking at memories of some of the White Rose Members. This week we hear from Lainey.

When did you first become a member of Yorkshire County Cricket Club?

“I have been a member for about four years, although I have been watching Yorkshire for as long as I can remember. Having lived in County Durham and London, I would go to see Yorkshire play as and when I could, although in the last 16 years I have been able to see many more home games.

“The decision to take out my membership was based on good old fashioned Yorkshire value for money and as I had decided to spend my summers (and annual holiday entitlement) on watching as many games as I could, it made more sense.”

What are your first memories of Yorkshire County Cricket Club?

“Geoffrey Boycott. His name was always bandied around in our house. I come from a cricketing family although I am the only Yorkshire born member of the household. Yorkshire were ‘our’ county. We were by this time living in County Durham and they did not have a First-Class county.”

What is your fondest memory of Yorkshire cricket?

“My fondest memory would have to be winning the County Championship in 2014. I carried a bottle of champagne with me for two days………. I don’t have much memory of after it was opened!

“However 2015 winning at Lord’s and seeing the realization on the players faces that we had done it will always be priceless.”

What is your favourite ground and why?

“I would have to say Scarborough is my favourite ground. It’s like no other ground I have been to. Once you enter the gates you seem to be in a ‘bubble’. It’s hard to describe really, but the atmosphere is amazing, I think it’s something to do with it being the seaside, it has a proper holiday feel.

“From the start of the day with beach cricket to the end of the day walking back to your hotel past ‘Scarborough Rock’ shops, there is nothing quite like it.
“I always look forward to my days there.

“I will however give a mention to Todmordon Cricket Club (even though it straddles the border with the dark side) which used to host 2nd XI matches. This is a great ground with fantastic views.”

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