Peter Townend, who gave 18 years of outstanding service as Yorkshire County Cricket Club’s treasurer, has died in retirement at Lewes, Sussex, aged 89.

He and his wife, Joan, moved from Elland ten years ago and his funeral service took place at Lewes on September 13. It is planned to hold a memorial service in West Yorkshire in due course.

Peter followed David Welch as treasurer in 1984 and stayed in the post until the Board replaced the 12-strong general committee in 2002 and he was then elected a vice-president of the Club.

Former Yorkshire cricket chairman, Tony Vann, paying tribute to Peter, said: “He played an important role in the financial debate which led to the indoor cricket school being built in St. Michael’s Lane, opposite the main entrance to the cricket ground, rather than at Bradford Park Avenue which was some 11 miles away.

“Peter enjoyed the annual general meeting when his engaging smile and sense of humour allowed him to explain in clear terms the Club’s financial situation, irrespective of whether there had been a profit or a loss. He was a gentlemen to his finger tips.

“He was still playing tennis up to his 80th birthday and it was his wife, Joan, who was the bigger cricket fan in the family!”

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